Talk. Discuss.

Fail. Aku memang fail bab-bab memujuk orang ni. Aku pun fail jugak bab-bab communication skills. Contohnya macam kena cakap kat depan ke, takpun berdebat ke, atau melibatkan benda yang kene discuss face to face. Aku admit yang aku memang fail. And untuk tu aku rasa yg aku memang tak layak lagi dan tak sesuai lagi untuk kawen. Maybe la. Hmmm. I should find someone that I can discuss peacefully and make me feel comfortable to talk and discuss. Kalau tak habis la rumahtangga. Hahaha.

Keypoint from all of this, I just want to highlight is "talk and discuss". This is an important things in any relationship either in marriage, friendship or family. Talk and discuss ni memang penting. Apa yang aku belajar daripada semua benda yang jadi ni, ini adalah yang utamanya, we should be brave to say our opinion, express our feeling and so on. Kalau nasihat orang, aku admit aku memang terror. Tapi once jadi kat diri sendiri, I'm fail to handle it. Fail. Hmmm.

Last but not least, I'll try to change and improve my skill especially in expressing my feeling. It sounds funny but I hope I can improve it. Nobody's perfect right? So, just do the best for your life. Peace ✌


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